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View 4D


This component visualizes 3d objects in space and time. It is used to show a 3d-stick-figure for marker based motion analysis. But it is also possible to show arbitrary 3d objects like planes, spheres or bones. The scene can move with the time correspondig to the global time position defined by the Time Synchronization component. Different views of the same scene at time are possible and a lot of specific 3d objects e.g. to visualize the ground, force plates, bottom of support areas, segments centre of mass points, … are available.


Markers and Points

<Marker>- and <Point>-elements visualize spherical objects. Many markerbased motion analysis measurement systems use retroreflective spherical markers, with different diameters, which can visualized with the <Marker>-element. All other points are visualized with the <Point>-element. <Marker>- and <Point>-element differs in the diameter and the default colors.

Each marker is defined as an child to the <MarkerSet>-element:

<MarkerSet name="Markers">
    <Marker name="ABC" origin="ABC"/>

And each <Point>-element is defined as an child of the <PointSet>-element:

<PointSet name="Point">
       <Point name="D" origin="D"/>

The <MarkerSet>- and the <PointSet>-element must have an attribute „name“, which can be used by the graphical user interface to visualize and edit the visualization description.

Connection Sets

A <Connection>-element visualizes the connection between two markers or points by a stick. Each connection is defined as a child of the <ConnectionSet>-element. The <ConnectionSet>-element is defined as an child of the <MarkerSet>-element.

<MarkerSet name="ABC">
   <ConnectionSet name="">
      <Connection name="AB" start="A" end="B"


An <ArrowSet>-element defines a list of arrows and its child elements of type <Arrow> define this arrows.


Attribute Default Description Required
name name of the element Yes
start Startposition of the arrow. Yes
end Endposition of the arrow. No
mid (not implemented yet) Alternative to the attributes start and end, the arrow can be defined by the attributes mid and vector (and optional length). The attribute mid defines the mid of the arrow. The direction is then defined by the attribute vector. The default length is 0.1m. This can be changed by the attribute length. No
vector Alternative to the attributes start and end, the arrow can be defined by start and vector. The attribute vector defines the direction of the arrow. The default length is 0.1m. This can be changed by the attribute length. No
radius (not yet implemented) 0.005 Radius of the cylinder. No
length (not implemented yet) 0.1m This attribute is used optional in combination with the vector attribute. It defines the length of the arrow. The current implementation uses a fix length of 0.1m only. No
comment No
color blue green,red, green, blue, gray No
visible true No


<ArrowSet name="Arrows">         
       <Arrow name="MyArrow" start="RMEP" end="RLEP"/>     



        <Frame name="Mir"
        <Frame name="Labor"
<code xml>
==== Example ====
<code xml>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?DOCTYPE View4d PUBLIC "-//Nimue//DTD View4d Def 1.0//EN" 
<View4d name="Full Body">
 <MarkerSet name="Markers">
 <!-- thorax -->
 <Marker name="CLAV" origin="CLAV"/>
 <Marker name="STRN" origin="STRN"/>
 <Marker name="C7" origin="C7"/>
 <Marker name="RSHO" origin="RSHO"/> 
 <Marker name="LSHO" origin="LSHO"/> 
 <Marker name="T10" origin="T10"/> 
 <!-- pelvis -->
 <Marker name="SACR" origin="SACR"/>
 <Marker name="RASI" origin="RASI"/>
 <Marker name="LASI" origin="LASI"/>
 <!-- left leg -->
 <Marker name="LTHI" origin="LTHI"/>
 <Marker name="LKNE" origin="LKNE"/>
 <Marker name="LTIB" origin="LTIB"/>
 <Marker name="LANK" origin="LANK"/>
 <Marker name="LHEE" origin="LHEE"/>
 <Marker name="LTOE" origin="LTOE"/>
 <!-- right leg -->
 <Marker name="RTHI" origin="RTHI"/>
 <Marker name="RKNE" origin="RKNE"/>
 <Marker name="RTIB" origin="RTIB"/>
 <Marker name="RHEE" origin="RHEE"/>
 <Marker name="RTOE" origin="RTOE"/>
 <Marker name="RANK" origin="RANK"/>
 <!-- KAD -->
 <Marker name="LKD2" origin="LKD2"/>
 <Marker name="RKD2" origin="RKD2"/>
 <Marker name="RKAX" origin="RKAX"/>
 <Marker name="LKD1" origin="LKD1"/>
 <Marker name="RKD1" origin="RKD1"/>
 <Marker name="LKAX" origin="LKAX"/>
 <!--Marker name="PELF" origin="PELF"/--> 
 <!-- right arm -->
 <Marker name="RRAD" origin="RRAD"/>
 <Marker name="RULN" origin="RULN"/> 
 <Marker name="RELB" origin="RELB"/>
 <Marker name="RELBW" origin="RELBW"/> 
 <Marker name="RHUMS" origin="RHUMS"/>
 <!-- left arm -->
 <Marker name="LRAD" origin="LRAD"/>
 <Marker name="LULN" origin="LULN"/>
 <Marker name="LELB" origin="LELB"/>
 <Marker name="LELBW" origin="LELBW"/>
 <Marker name="LHUMS" origin="LHUMS"/>
 <!-- head -->
 <Marker name="RMAS" origin="RMAS"/>
 <Marker name="LMAS" origin="LMAS"/>
 <Marker name="HEAD" origin="HEAD"/>
 <ConnectionSet name="Connections">
 <!-- shoulder -->
 <Connection name="1" start="C7" end="RSHO"/>
 <Connection name="2" start="RSHO" end="CLAV"/> 
 <Connection name="3" start="CLAV" end="LSHO"/> 
 <Connection name="4" start="LSHO" end="C7"/>
 <!-- thorax -->
 <Connection name="5" start="CLAV" end="STRN"/> 
 <Connection name="6" start="C7" end="T10"/> 
 <Connection name="7" start="T10" end="SACR"/> 
 <!-- pelvis -->
 <Connection name="8" start="SACR" end="RASI"/> 
 <Connection name="9" start="RASI" end="LASI"/> 
 <Connection name="10" start="LASI" end="SACR"/> 
 <!-- right leg -->
 <Connection name="11" start="RASI" end="RTHI"/> 
 <Connection name="12" start="RTHI" end="RKNE"/> 
 <Connection name="13" start="RKNE" end="RTIB"/> 
 <Connection name="14" start="RTIB" end="RANK"/> 
 <!--ConjunctRotationField name="RVectorField"
 <NavigationFrame name="Navigation"
guicomponents/3dview.1513163762.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/12/13 12:16 von oliver

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