====== XML data format ====== The XML data format is used for nearly all files the Nimue Platforms saves in the file system. All the other file formats are used mainly in form of input/export filters to integrate third party software. ^ Name ^ Description ^ Schema/Dtd ^ ^ labelset, markerset | A file which contains a set of labels/variables, e.g. markers in the case of a marker based motion analysis. For Vicon users this is the equivalent to Vicons .mkr-File. But it is more flexible and it is not used to define Autolabeling. It is also used define the output of a processing step, if more variables ar calculated than you want to save. | labelset.dtd, markerset.dtd | ^ model | Definition of the motion analysis model | model.dtd, model.xsd | ^processConfig | The process configuration defines how differnt groups of trials are processed based on a model, markerset, ... | processConfig.xsd | ^ view4d | To define a 3d scene for visualisation of motion data, e.g. stick-figures. | view4d.dtd | ^ sheet | To define pages of sheets of plot diagrams and the variables to plot. | sheet.dtd | ^ d3dheader | The .d3d files inlcudes a header in the xml-Format where metadata and the structure of the attached binary data is defined | d3dheader.dtd | For different purposes different XML data format structures are defined by [[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML_Schema|XML schema]] or [[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dokumenttypdefinition|Document Type Definitions (DTDs)]].